7 Stones of FORGIVENESS bracelet

7 Stones of FORGIVENESS bracelet


You are on your path to healing and forgiveness. With every step forward, open your heart and be reminded of your self-love, worthiness, and ability to forgive. Use the gemstones to guide you in meditation. Run your finger along the stones, stopping in affirmation at each aquamarine gem.


I have partnered with Be Kind Humankind to launch the 7 Stones of Forgiveness Bracelet. I believe that everyone has the capacity to heal and forgive and that the world needs forgiveness now more than ever.

Together we really do make a difference. Be Kind Humankind empowers the village of Kampala, Uganda by offering sustainable work for women and providing a safe educational environment to children.

Forgiveness begins in your own heart, and together we can create a wave of kindness!

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