Hi, I’m Sara,

I’m a proud mom to 3 wonderful young men, a business owner, a mountain and ocean adventurer, an artist, and a former teacher. At my core, I am not much different than any of you. What and who I have become is a resilient woman and person, who survived and thrived from multiple traumas, now finding herself in this space. And this is exactly where I was meant to be.

Ten years ago, I was at the lowest point in my life. Suffering from relational and betrayal trauma and complex-PTSD, I was debilitated by the unknown as my marriage and life collapsed, living as a single mom. Emotionally, mentally, spiritually, and physically unraveling, I found myself at a precipice: I could lose my life through all of this, or find a new me. My resilient self chose the latter.

I made a point everyday of getting outside, navigating through anger, pain, and grief while hiking 14,000 ft mountains and paddling 4-miles out to sea with whales and dolphins. I somatically healed my heart, mind, and body through nature while practicing the art of making bold moves in my life. As a result, I began finding that new me. A version of me with a larger smile, a longer laugh, and a love for her present life. The gift of my trauma was finding my most important relationship: the one within myself.

My trauma became my purpose: to help others embrace their bold life. I became a keynote speaker, best-selling author, TEDx speaker, and a retreat organizer/facilitator for transformational experiences.

For 32-years, I’ve been diving into personal development, mental and emotional resilience, healing, and research. I have distilled 5-key components to boldly making moves when faced with constant change. We use these key components when guiding clients on life-altering journeys of hiking, kayaking, and coaching through the Grand Canyon, Alaska, and Colorado.

You could say I’m an “artistic visionary who creates through a lens of pushing the needle forward, regardless of naysayers or fear.”

Our world continues to go through crises and change, with no end in sight. I want this practice of overcoming and thriving to be available for everyone. For you. For your family. For your friends. For organizations. Your colleagues. Because, the stronger and more bold the parts, the stronger and more bold we are as a whole.

Sara Schulting Kranz
Sara Schulting Kranz
Sara Schulting Kranz
Sara Schulting Kranz


“… there are many sides to us; these red heels have been carried 1000-plus miles on backcountry trails with epic pics on the highest peaks to show”.

In 2013, I was questioned how a mom of three sons could reinvent her life at 40 years of age, guiding and coaching others through the Grand Canyon and Alaska.

Though seen as strong, I wasn’t always seen as feminine. Which stung.

I decided that I wanted a symbol to show the world that a woman does not have to be put in a box. We can do our nails and summit a peak on the same day. We can hike trails, climb boulders, and come home to put on a dress and heels. We need to embrace, love, and honor all sides of who we are.

It came to me while running. “I will buy a pair of red heels and wear them on the peak of Mt. Baldy for me.” I posted the picture on social media and the response was surreal. Through that one picture, a message was posted to the universe… Women can be strong and feminine.

My heels have seen peaks throughout Yosemite National Park, the Grand Canyon, Mt. Wilson, Cucamonga Peak, Mt. Baldy, San Jacinto, San Bernardino Peak, San Gorgonio, the High Sierra Trail, the High Sierra Loop, the John Muir Trail, the Sierra High Route, Mt. Whitney, and many others.

Red represents courage, power, determination, passion, desire, and love. I will never stop embracing myself. Hopefully these red heels give you the courage to stand out and do the same.

Sara Schulting Kranz in red shoes
Sara Schulting Kranz in red shoes
Sean Entin

The world needs more of Sara. To know Sara is to love Sara. And the more she can give her love to the community, the better the world’s gonna be. She always wears her heart on her sleeve, however, she’ll be the first to tell you like it is. And that’s what’s needed. Because we have to show up and we have to be honest and truthful and stand in our power. And then help others to do the same.

–Sean Entin
Brain Trauma Survivor and Founder of the Stroke Hacker Community



There are no coincidences. And when things are not aligning, pivot. Love yourself enough to take the leap into the unknown, with faith, believing that what will be is what is meant to be. Be courageous. Be confident. Laugh. Love. And create the life you deserve. 💜

High Camp Retreat, 2024! Third year in a row of selling out with a waitlist.

Do you ever feel like anxiety is holding you back from living your best life? 

We’re honored to welcome Laura Rhodes-Levin LMFT, Author, Founder-PHEW Foundation and The Missing Peace Center, on this week’s episode of the Live Boldly with Sara Podcast. 

In her powerful new book, THE MISSING PEACE: Rewire Your Brain, Reduce Anxiety, and Re-Create Your Life, Laura reframes anxiety as a normal survival mechanism we can learn to manage, not fear. 

In this episode, she shares her wisdom on understanding and embracing anxiety. “Anxiety is not what’s wrong with you. Anxiety is what’s right with you,” Laura explains, highlighting the fight/flight/freeze response in our brain’s emotional center. 

In this episode, you’ll discover:
☑ Choosing peace without guilt 
☑ Finding “micro-joys” in each day 
☑ Practical tools to manage anxiety 
☑ Ensuring we live life to the fullest

Laura also introduces us to the PHEW Foundation, a nonprofit dedicated to funding intensive outpatient programs for those in need at The Missing Peace Center for Anxiety. 

Have you ever wondered: Am I living to my full potential? Tune in to gain valuable insights and learn how to navigate anxiety with confidence and compassion.

Want to join the conversation? Let’s discuss how to manage anxiety and create a more fulfilling life in the comments!

𝗟𝗜𝗩𝗘 𝗕𝗢𝗟𝗗𝗟𝗬 𝘄𝗶𝘁𝗵 𝗦𝗮𝗿𝗮 𝗣𝗼𝗱𝗰𝗮𝘀𝘁 🎙️

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Please like, subscribe, rate, review, and share this episode with a friend! 

Have a beautiful day! 


I IMAGINED: Being married to my best friend; having 4-kids, living in a 4-bedroom home near my family in Wisconsin. Plenty of room for guests. Traditions galore. And I’d be teaching art in my neighboring school district.

INSTEAD: I’m 50 and divorced, 3-sons, living thousands of miles from my family in a small itty-bitty rental. We have traditions, and lots of company. And I’m teaching, albeit now through my retreats and from stage as an entrepreneur. 


On Sunday evening, a Grand Canyon client from Nashville drove through Los Angeles. So of course, a few of us from that retreat got together. We laughed our a$$es off around a campfire. Sharing stories from the trail, and how unlikely our meeting was had we not all gone through what we had. 

Lauren snapped this pic, and I keep smiling just looking at it. 

The thing is, you are never alone. None of us are. Even in the moments where we swear no one understands, there are those who do. Trust me on that.

Find your tribe, cry your tears, get angry at the world, clean that crap out, and refill your cup with LAUGHTER.

Laugh at your life and the memories created.
Laugh at the crazy wild circumstances that brought you here.
Laugh at the littlest of mundane moments.
Laugh at a joke. 
Laugh at those stupid moments in your past.
Laugh at how beautiful the world is amidst so much chaos.


• Reduces Stress
• Boosts Your Immune System
• Improves Heart Health
• Enhances Your Mood
• Strengthens Your Social Connections

And hey, it also gives you a really, really good ability to workout. 

Find a few moments in your day to laugh a little more. And let me know how it goes.

Sending love and light!



WE HAVE 1-SPOT LEFT FOR OUR High Camp Retreat outside Telluride, Colorado! 
July 26-29th, join us! 
All women. Limit 12. 
It’s an incredible space for your reset, rejuvenation, and celebration of YOU. One of my favorite of all-time locations! This group is 💥

📸 @la.mccoy thank you for the shot! Love you, sister! 

Without love, there is no grief. So when we feel our grief, uncomfortable and aching as it may be, it is actually a reminder of the beauty of that love, now lost.

Mom passed away 2-years ago today. When she passed, I prayed to her consistently. I asked for direction. For help and guidance. And wow, did she deliver! From rainbows to love. From business to adventures. She taught me that Faith supersedes anything in the human form. She was, once again, correct.

We oftentimes have a hard time looking at life through anything other than our ego human brain. We want facts. We demand proof. But isn’t life far more magical and beautiful when we release control and live in our moments? When look at our days not from questioning, but from curiosity and wonder and awe? Perhaps that’s why I love fireworks so much. The transformation from powder - to color and beauty within a dark sky. 

So much of life doesn’t make sense.. until it does. In other words, when you aren’t sure why something is happening, please quit trying to make sense until it is time for you to understand. Let the Universe work its way for you. Let God deliver to you what it is you seek. That’s what it is to enjoy the journey of living.. Rather than forcing your way through life.

I love you, Mama. You kept saying, “Stop trying to force it. Let God deliver. Find your way back home. That’s where you belong.. Wherever that home is, it will appear.”

She has worked her magic from Heaven. (I always told her that she had a special fast-track way with her prayers to Heaven! Many times, I accused her of pulling strings with God. 😂) 

For those of you grieving or going through something hard, have patience. Have Faith. Have Hope. And you will get through this, too.


I’ve learned alot as an entrepreneur, owning my own business. We want good customers and clients. That being the case, BE ONE YOURSELF.

Today I met Sam, my 5:00 am taxi driver. It’s his birthday!

I used to take Taxi’s to the airport.

And then my loyalty shifted to Uber.

From there, it was Lyft.

And now.. I’m back to a full-time Taxi lover.

Though cost plays a slight part in my decision-making process, more than anything, it’s SERVICE.

You see, I love meeting good people. 

I love having conversations with my driver, talking life and world events.

This moves the drive from being another meaningLESS task, to becoming a meaningFUL EXPERIENCE.

—> Your people - and service - is what brings your customers and clients in!

—> It’s also what keeps them there.

So today, when I found out it is Sam’s birthday, I sang to him. And I was the first person of the day to do so. His smile says everything!


This is what makes the world go around 🌎

