“For only daring to be ourselves can we deeply know others,” – Mark Nepo

I’ve been talking a lot about daring to be our happiest selves over the last few weeks, especially with clients. What does it mean to be happy? And how do we find happiness … especially in times like these?

2020 has, as we know, been a wild rollercoaster ride. I was fortunate enough to return last week from guiding nine women in the Grand Canyon. There were so many unknowns + moments leading up to this retreat that I wondered, “Is this going to even happen?” We had a safety mitigation plan in place + I followed all protocols.

What carried me through moments of anxiety was trusting that it would all work out – because we needed time in nature to feel peace + happiness.

This entire canyon experience-from beginning to end-validated my belief that happiness comes from within. We are all … and I mean ALL … destined to be happy in this world. But happiness is also a choice. Happiness does not come from the material things that surround us. It is something that lives WITHIN us. It’s a seed that is compelled to grow within our heart + soul, waiting to be watered with our laughter + childlike eye of seeing life filled with starry skies, wonder + awe.

Happiness is not found through a lens of negativity, fear, or despair.

Happiness is something that is born out of being kind to ourselves, while also being kind to others. It does not thrive on judgment or shame. Rather, it is birthed out of love.

Daring to be ourselves means getting uncomfortable doing the deep work … and uncovering true happiness in the process.

I asked these wonderful women to show up to this retreat as the little girl that once twirled in dresses + found laughter in the mundane. I wanted them to explore deep in the canyon while also unearthing what was hidden + waiting to be uncovered from within their own life journeys. I encouraged them to share deep secrets + bring their masked pain into the light. My intention was for these beautiful women to heal, grow, laugh, love + get back to the root of who they are.

I wanted them to SMILE! And boy, did they smile!

Being able to run this retreat despite a pandemic was one hell of a huge gift. As this world is in a state of unsure moments, never-ending shifts + wild changes, it felt good to remember that despite what is happening around us, we have a choice every day to wake and find happiness within us. When we give ourselves permission to surrender + BE PRESENT, we allow ourselves to LIVE not from a place of Fear, but from a place of Inner Knowing + Faith.

I’d like to share a process that I use when moments of anxiety enter my life. These five-simple steps will bring you back to happiness + calm:

  1. Go outside + breathe fresh air. Put your feet on the ground, in the sand, or lie on the grass.
  2. Close your eyes + place your hands over your heart.
  3. Remind yourself that your happiness, laughter, smile + joy belongs to YOU. And it is a gift waiting to be used.
  4. Take this moment to smile. Feel your heart beat. And laugh out loud.
  5. If your thoughts wander, come back to this moment + be present. Feel the earth under you. Say to yourself, “I am grateful for my heart, soul, body, laughter + smile.” Breathe into this moment.

I promise you, the more that you take moments to focus on you + your happiness, the more ease-filled and peaceful the world around you will become.

I love the phrase, “What we feed, grows.”

This is a beautiful time to practice getting into nature + feeding what really matters: YOU.

As always, thank you for being here. And please share this article with anyone who you feel would benefit during this time.

So much love,




>> I offer 1:1 private coaching sessions for those looking to grow, heal, forgive + transform their lives. My specialty is working with those feeling “stuck”, those who have experienced traumas, or those having been a partner of relational or betrayal trauma. You can schedule your 20-minute discovery call by clicking HERE.

>> Beginning in December 2020, I will be hosting a monthly membership + community called “The Trail: A Community for Truth, Inspiration, Hope … + Healing.” Within this extremely cost-effective, educational + inspiring membership, we will dive deep into new monthly topics + provide tools for:

  • What is Trauma + Relational + Betrayal Trauma?
  • Understand + be compassionate for your Trauma Brain.
  • How do I move through what has happened to me?
  • How do I let go of the life I thought that I had?
  • How do I heal?
  • How do I forgive?
  • How do I find my happiness?
  • Who am I?
  • How do I get back to loving me?
  • What are boundaries … + how do I set them?
  • How do I spot red flags + avoid getting hurt?
  • How do I manifest + create a life that I love?
  • How do I protect my energy?
  • Dating 101
  • … and so much more!

This membership will include:

  • Monthly trainings.
  • Monthly guest speakers.
  • Monthly meditations.
  • Support within our Private Facebook Group.
  • Drop-in coaching.
  • … and so, so much more!

Stay tuned for what’s to come! You WILL NOT want to miss this. For the price of a dinner out, you can do the work + be happy. I know, because … I’ve been there.

Let’s stay connected!  Follow me on InstagramFriend me on Facebook.

Spread the vibe, and as always, please reach out with comments and thoughts!