My life has been shifting at a rapid pace over the last few months!

For your own learning, I would like to share how- and why.

But first, let’s get a little vulnerable and real!

I know many of you view me as the brave woman who tackles mountains and oceans. And sure, this is true! Yet let’s not forget, I am also human. I have struggled with many, many fears and have fought moments of questioning throughout my life! And I have lived with patterns of old behavior that had kept me safe during very traumatic times.

Am I good enough? Am I strong enough? Am I worthy of receiving? I have healed so much over these last (many) years, yet a few months ago I realized there was still a little more to look at.

When I had my “a-ha moment” of clarity, I realized that I was ready to let go of the remainder of sh#t that was holding me back. The questions, barriers, beliefs, and fears keeping me from what I truly, deeply desired in life.

So over these last few months, I slowly chipped away these remaining beliefs and barriers – providing space to (FINALLY) level up in life! To put into ACTION my next level of goals, passions, and purpose.

I have journaled about my own ego, fears, and where my past stories were created. I have looked at how they are no longer serving me – rather, how they are holding me back! Changing those thoughts, choices, and decisions in life has created a new path to my desires!

I have changed:

“Am I (good enough, strong enough, worthy of receiving)…. ?” to

“I Am (good enough, strong enough, worthy of receiving)…. !”

From standing in my worthiness during speaking engagements, being heard on podcasts, saying no to where I once said yes, and saying yes to where I once said no.

I have been stepping over those obstacles and leveling up as a result!

And let me tell you, it has been beautiful and freeing!

Sure, people may view me differently. Some for the better, some not. But guess what? LIFE is about how you view YOURSELF. Every day … I am the mirror image of me.

No when else.

And so my challenge to you is this, my friends!

Find yourself a piece of paper. Hold that pencil. And write out all of your limiting beliefs and barriers. Jot down those stories you have created, the thoughts that no longer serve you. Be real with what you have told yourself all of these years! There is no shame in honesty.

Now, imagine for a moment YOUR LIFE without barriers! Without strings attaching you to those thoughts, limiting beliefs, and recurring stories holding you back!

This week, beside me, I encourage you to slowly chip away and release those barriers and patterns. One by one, with every step forward. Create that path to what YOU most desire and are passionate about in life!

As my coach, Amber Lilyestrom, said to me: YOU GET TO BE YOUR GREATEST SUCCESS STORY.

We are all human. We are all learning, healing, overcoming, and taking this journey one step at a time.

This world needs you – to be your greatest success story.

Are you ready? I AM.

Let’s do this, together.


Schedule your free discovery call with me here.

Upcoming Events


… check out our upcoming Transformational and Life Changing Grand Canyon Retreats below! January and February are already filling!

Live Boldly Grand Canyon Coaching January 2019

Click to to learn more and to register.
Contact me for more details. 414-698-8899


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Spread the vibe, and as always, please reach out with comments and thoughts!