Some things are difficult to write…this is one of them. With my dad’s permission, I am sharing that my father, a dear mentor in my life, had a scare with his heart the week of Thanksgiving. My mom was the one to call and share the news with me, their only daughter. Instantly I felt like a numb little girl who was horrified at the thought of losing her parent. Living so far away, there wasn’t much that I could do but send love, thoughts, prayers and phone calls. It was so hard to not be there, but I am happy to report that he has now (yay dad!) fully recovered!

Taking time to reflect on what had occurred over the last few weeks, I realized my own need to slow down and enjoy the people around me. For most of my life, I have preached these words but haven’t always followed them.

This year, during the Holiday Season, I am following my own advice. 

One of my father’s quotes in life has been, “Walk the Walk. Don’t Just Talk the Walk.” So, with the blessing from my three sons, I packed my bags this week and flew home to sleep in my bed, eat dinners with my folks and let them have time with their only daughter.

I took my dad’s words to heart and honored one Value in my life that has never failed me: FAMILY. This has been the greatest gift to both themand myself-one that I could never put under a tree but will always be held in our hearts.

My hope for you this Holiday Season is to find time for those that you love.
The greatest gift that you can give someone is your present moment.

It’s not about the things under the tree; it’s about the people surrounding the tree. 

May you be that gift to someone you love.

Happiest and Healthy Holiday Season to each one of you!
