Normally my newsletters are a bit more serious. Today I am lightening up a touch, keeping it short and to the point!

We all have choice in life. We have the ability to create great waves in this world. Throwing ourselves full force into our passions, purpose and meaning creates ripples of change with those around us. Those ripples become currents and waves … affecting our communities and ultimately, the world.

Throw the Pebble. Create the Ripple. Be the Current. Sit in the Flow. Ride the Wave.

5 Tips for Riding the Wave

Throw the Pebble: Be the person courageously sharing your own thoughts, views and opinions from a place of love. Stand in your Integrity.

Create the Ripple: Give your thoughts, views and opinions permission to create great change.

Be the Current: Don’t force your thoughts, views and opinions onto others. Believe that what you say will be heard by those that need it most.

Sit in the Flow: Sit back – watch, observe and notice who/how your thoughts, views and opinions are affecting. Let it happen and be what it is meant to be.

Ride the Wave: Be Proud of You. Look at what your one thought, view and opinion did for others?

“We know not the ripples we create that bear waves … until we throw that first pebble.”
