We’ve all run into mean people and narcissists.

Through our careers, school, marriage, and various relationships.

It’s not easy! 

Years ago, I was working as an art teacher at an elementary school. A new principal was brought in, and right away, we didn’t mesh. She constantly picked apart how I organized my classroom. She slashed my art budget by nearly half because she “didn’t think I needed such good supplies.” Any chance she could get, I found her under my skin and in my business.

I didn’t realize at the time how manipulative and gaslighting her behavior was. I didn’t realize how she used her power to feed her ego. How as a leader in our school, she minimized me as a woman, teacher, and member of the school community. And, she did this to so many others, too.

Many, many hard lessons came from that time in my life.

And even so, I found myself in more than a handful of similar situations and relationships thereafter, where I was left to feel “less than.” Luckily, with hard experiences comes a lot of learning and wisdom.

Below are some quick lessons to help you understand narcissism, and some wonderful tools to help you when faced with these situations.

Through my experiences, I have learned that narcissists will: 

• talk circles to confuse you.

• threaten you, and then rescind their threat to make you feel crazy.

• interrupt in person, or send either very long or super short texts.

• never hold themselves accountable or responsible.

• talk down on you, or insult you.

• tell you, “You think you’re so great, but you’re not.”

• give empty threats and empty promises.

• hold no intention of resolving anything with you because this is fuel for their narcissism and ego.

• never care about your feelings, mental health, or your nervous system!

• create drama to feed a sick sort of happiness.

• flip conversations until you’re on the defensive and attack.. and then say things like, “You’ve never changed.”


When faced with mean people and narcissists, DO THIS: 

• surround yourself with people who love and see you.

• love yourself and protect your energy.

• regulate your nervous system.

• go into nature; ground yourself.

• breathe.. breathe.. breathe..

• set firm boundaries.

• don’t engage.


• “Your anger is not my responsibility.”

• “I cannot control how you feel about me. And I’m good with that.”

• “I refuse to be bullied. I choose to disengage with you. Goodbye.”

• “I will not argue with you.”

• “How you choose to live is not my responsibility.”

Below are images made for you to download to your phone or computer. Keep them close to help you understand a narcissist better, and to have tools at your fingertips when placed in these situations.

I only wish I’d had this knowledge years ago myself!

A "fast class" on how to handle mean people and narcissists. Blog article written by Sara Schulting Kranz

A "fast class" on how to handle mean people and narcissists. Blog article written by Sara Schulting Kranz

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And please, share this with anyone who you think could use it.

We all matter.

And, I love you.



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