How we deal with our imperfections is what inspires others to be better.

My deepest, most sincere apology for the multiple emails while we worked on a press release section of my website yesterday!

One thing I will never say is that I am perfect.

Learning? Yes. Perfect? Oh, Heck No!

In light of this, here are five user friendly valuable lessons learned as a Mompreneur – related to life, as a parent, and an entrepreneur!

  1. Nothing good comes from freaking out over those things you cannot control. Instead, try to breathe, slow down, and find your clarity. Yes, I’m still actively working on this one! Just ask my kids.
  2. Mistakes are only mistakes – until you actively choose to make them VALUABLE LESSONS. What a waste of a mistake if you don’t learn!
  3. Offense is the best defense. If you screw up, don’t hide it. Admit your faults and carry on.
  4. Leaning into your anxiety, worry, and “what if’s’” will kill your dream. Leaning into courage and the power of “what is possible” will forge change and a path to measurable success!
  5. If someone tells you “you can’t”, find a new someone. Door closed.

A FEW EXCITING CHANGES – from me to you:

>>Due to HIGH DEMAND, we are changing the February retreat to BOTH Men and Women! I want to honor the men who have asked for this-a HUGE thank you for taking the leap! Please jump on and join if you’re ready for your own adventurous transformation and growth! And please pass this information on to someone who may want in. Thank you!

Upcoming Transformational Women’s / Men’s & Women’s Retreats in the Grand Canyon:

  • January 29th-February 2nd, 2019: I’m very excited to welcome Jenna Reiss, Breath-work Meditation Coach, Healer, and Writer, as a guest host for our January retreat!
  • February 24th-28th, 2019: I welcome Brittany Lynne, Yoga and Meditation Teacher specializing in Mindfulness, Meditation, Sound Healing & Breath-work, as our guest host in February!

Please contact me with questions – sign ups need to be complete by December 1st! 414-698-8899 or

>>Please enjoy my new PRESS RELEASE Page! Here you will find the latest news articles, videos, and podcasts that I have been on. Enjoy!

My hope is that all of this helps all of you … and others! Spread the vibe, and as always, please reach out with comments and thoughts!



Upcoming Events


… check out our upcoming Transformational and Life Changing Grand Canyon Retreats below! January and February are already filling! Contact me for details. 414-698-8899

MBCC Women's Mastermind

Click to to learn more and to register.