Part Two: Daily Thoughts, Reflections + Inspirations from 22-days on the John Muir Trail

This episode is part two of my two-part series, where I share my story of 22 days on the John Muir Trail. I get raw and vulnerable about the second half of our trip, where we thought we would have to turn around. However, we woke up to beautiful blue skies and were able to move forward.

Day twelve was a long and challenging hike. There are so many of us from the trail family that made it. Watching the sunset on a mountain was totally epic. I learned so many things from the trail today. First, be present. When things get hard, stop, and take a breath. Then, look around and witness the beautiful things around you.

Day thirteen and we are sitting in the John Muir hut; it’s so spiritual. “I care to live only to entice people to look at nature’s loveliness.” -John Muir. I believe that we cross each other’s paths for a reason – we learn from one another. I’m so thankful for every moment that has led me to this present time.

Day fourteen was a lot of elevation in a concise amount of time. However, the view is just insane – mountains surround me while I’m sitting on top of a mountain. This entire trip has been full of trail magic. Trail magic is when you surrender to things that are happening. For instance, I wore through two pairs of socks, and I magically found a pair.

Stay tuned as I update you on day fifteen through twenty-two of my journey. You’ll hear about the importance of self-care, why you need to practice gratitude, and how to find moments of play.

In This Episode:

  • Day Twelve [ 4:00 ]
  • Day Thirteen [ 8:00 ]
  • Day Fourteen [ 18:55 ]
  • Day Fifteen [ 25:50 ]
  • Day Sixteen [ 34:30 ]
  • Day Seventeen [ 38:30 ]
  • Day Eighteen [ 42:05 ]
  • Day Nineteen [ 45:50 ]
  • Day Twenty [ 52:10 ]
  • Day Twenty-One [ 57:55 ]
  • Day Twenty-Two [ 64:20 ]


  • “Surrender yourself to what is being given to you and allow yourself to receive in return.”
  • “Stay open to receiving the magic around us.”
  • “Get outside, take a breath, and ground yourself into the Earth.”
  • “Be grateful.”
  • “Your experiences are happening for you, not to you.”
  • “It’s okay to stop.”

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