My most important leadership role has been as a mother.

I’m writing from my hotel room desk in Phoenix as my son and his teammates prep for Section 7 in basketball.

I need to get a workout in before I drive the guys to State Farm Stadium, so here are my “mom thoughts” discerned into a few paragraphs.

It all started with a LinkedIn post I read from Ryan Estis. It hit me to my core.

“Leadership isn’t a job. It’s a responsibility. It requires humility, sacrifice and a commitment to help people become the best version of themselves.”

Go read his post.

He’s right.

Leadership is a responsibility.

And my greatest leadership role has been as a mother.

We think of leaders in business. But leadership is so much deeper than that! Our greatest leadership discussions happen when you least expect them. They happen in moments of kindness. In standing up and speaking out for what is right.

They happen on sidewalks. In restaurants. Stores. Classrooms. And most importantly? They happen on long drives when in the car.

Let me give you an example.

I drove my son and his teammate to Phoenix yesterday. On the way, his teammate learned that I had a podcast. He asked to listen to our latest episode with Brette Harrington, The Tale of the ALPINISTS: Love, Life and Death Deep in the Mountains, and he loved it. We started talking about dreams and aspirations. Goals in life. Goals in basketball. And the limitations we put on ourselves.

We talked about how “those who are different are those who stand out. Don’t follow the crowd. Do it YOUR WAY.” Get creative in your game on the court, and in life. See all of the plays happening. Be willing to pivot. And know your team.

Listen with more than your ears. Listen with your heart, your soul, your body. Life is about energy. You either disrupt the game and elevate beyond imagination, or you stifle and play small. Which is it?

We talked and talked.

And then my son’s teammate received a text. He got a D1 offer on the ride. I am so proud of him! In the car, as we are talking about leadership on the court, my son’s teammate gets a D1 offer through his phone.

And that prompted the next conversation.

How do we get more of what we want?  

I shared with both of them a powerful tool that I use: VISUALIZATION.

My most important leadership role has been as a mother | blog article written by Sara Schulting Kranz

Neither of them had used this tool before, mainly because they didn’t understand what it was. I explained how visualization is matching or mirroring your future self and what you look to achieve, with your present mind, heart, spirit, and body. 

In other words, how do you want to feel at the end of your basketball weekend? What do you visualize happening? And when things don’t go according to plan, how will you pivot and work towards your successful result?

Looking at the passenger and back seats, both guys were using the tool that I was sharing. “It’s simple,” I said, “it’s all energy. You’ve prepared, studied, watched film, practiced your shot a thousand times, and trained for this weekend. All you have to do is follow what you know. It’s waiting for you. You just have to take the steps and get there.”

I use visualization all of the time. 

How will I be on stage? How do I want to feel in my future? What will it be like standing on a mountain summit?

I encourage you to use this tool yourself. Because.. IT WORKS.

Yes, my most important leadership role has been as a mother.

And it’s car rides like these which remind me of just that.

Here’s to a successful weekend of basketball. And a beautiful weekend in your life, too.

I love you.




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